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Warrior Volleyball Clinics Register View Cart

Two women't teams playing volleyvall, as seen from below the net

These volleyball clinics are designed for new and returning players. Volleyball is a fun sport that includes teamwork, dedication, and excitement! We will work on volleyball fundamentals, game play, and all skills that we look for at the high school level. We will be supported by current high school volleyball athletes to help the players learn the game. Be ready to learn about passing, serving, hitting, blocking, setting, and more!

Some information about the instructor, Kayla Wyland
  • Head Varsity Coach at Wakefield High School
  • Assistant Basketball Coach at Wakefield High School
  • Plymouth State University varsity volleyball and basketball player
  • Melrose High School Volleyball State Championship Title in 2012
  • Woodville School Third Grade Teacher

Date 1: July 21st to July 24th
Date 2: August 4th to August 7th
Grades: 4 to 9
Time: 9:30-11:30
Cost:  $184.00
Location:  Wakefield Memorial High School

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Warrior Volleyball SUMMER Clinic - Week 1 
N/A 4 - 9 MTuWTh  07/21/2025 - 07/24/2025
09:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Wakefield High School
$185.00 Res, $185.00 Non-Res
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Warrior Volleyball SUMMER Clinic - Week 2 
N/A 4 - 9 MTuWTh  08/04/2025 - 08/07/2025
09:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Wakefield High School
$185.00 Res, $185.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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